fire / ems products
Safety is the driving force behind everything we do. Our industry-standard emergency vehicle lights and sirens, like the Federal Signal Q-Siren®, have set a high bar that we continually strive to exceed with innovative technologies that better protect Fire and EMS personnel, and the public. Whether it’s our comprehensive line of advanced lightbars, Fire emergency lights, and EMS lights, or our siren and speaker systems, we can help you outfit your vehicles with technology that optimizes visibility and audio warnings to keep first responders safe.
Fire Truck Emergency Light Bars
Built with our exclusive technologies, our LED light bars are available in low-profile and high-profile designs ideal for fire trucks, command vehicles and ambulances.

Fire / EMS Sirens and Speakers
Combine with a light bar, our emergency vehicle sirens and speakers grab the attention of drivers to clear the path for the police car to safely arrive at the scene.
Fire / EMS Exterior Mount / Perimeter Warning Lightheads
For additional warning around the exterior of your fire apparatus and ambulance, our high quality LED warning lights are ideal for mounting to the grilles, bumpers, side, and rear of their chassis.
Fire / EMS Directional Warning Lights
Available in low-profile and high-profile models, our directional LED stick lights direct rear-approaching vehicles away from the emergency scene.

Fire / EMS Interior Mount Warning Lights
Our interior mount LED warning lights are available as visor lights, dash lights, and rear deck lights ideal for command and volunteer fire vehicles
Fire / EMS Beacons
In combination with our light bars, these LED beacons combine powerful light output and strobe-like flash patterns to the rear of your fire apparatus to meet NFPA requirements.

Fire / EMS Back-up Alarms
Built for durability, our durable backup alarms are ready to handle the toughest conditions and their distinct sound warns others when the fire truck is backing up.
Compartment and Dome Lighting
Ideal for illuminating the inside of an ambulance, these LED interior lights make it easy for EMS to work in the compartment to evaluate their patient.
Fire / EMS Area Lighting
Offered as vehicle-mounted or portable models, our high-quality white LED area lights deliver powerful light output to illuminate your work scene.

Fire / EMS Accessories
We offer a variety of emergency vehicle lights and sirens, including traffic clearing lights, voice guns, map lights, LED message boards, and more to provide additional safety to your firefighters and EMS.